Wicking Flower Beds
Gardens Drying Out?
Beautiful gardens can add beauty, color, and life to any property, yet they can be very difficult to maintain unless you're a passionate gardener with lots of time on your hands. All gardeners need to consider the water exposure of their gardens and ensure the right plants populate them. But how can the right flower bed make your garden watering and maintenance easier? Is there a self watering garden that doesn't get regular rain?
Our garden designers can help.
We understand the challenges some gardeners have with watering their gardens regularly. Our clients who have had issues watering their gardens have found that installing a wicking flower bed essentially creates a large self watering garden! These gardens, when installed correctly, use PVS pipe and weeping tile to wick moisture from the bottom of the flower bed upwards to keep your flowers and plants hydrated at all times.
Contact us for master gardener advice.
We're standing by to help you with your gardening goals, and to make your life a little easier with some proper flower bed planning. Contact our team of Botanists and Master Gardeners for a consultation where we can explore your vision and needs. We provide our clients with an up-front quote for approval, and then we can get to work on your perfect wicking garden bed. Contact us to schedule your consultation today!
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