Garden Soil Selection
What soil is best?
Selecting the right soil for your garden can be a challenging task- there are so many brands, different packaging that markets towards flowers, grass, vegetables, some that have organic nutrients, some with chemicals… how do you get started? Soil selection may seem straightforward if you haven't looked to deep into it, but there is a science behind getting your garden started off right, and soil is a huge factor in your garden's success.
We're soil geeks, we can help.
Selecting the right soil is one of the most important steps after you've found the ideal spot, and have designed your flower or veggie beds for the right sun and rain exposure. We've helped Calgarians who were frustrated by their garden's lack of performance. Our clients find the botanists at Evergreen Ltd assisting them with their soil selection was helpful in restoring their gardens, and setting them up to reach their full potential.
Contact us to get the right soil today.
We work with gardeners to get them off to the right start with expert advice. Our partnerships with suppliers that may not be available in big box stores can help you get the best soil in bulk or in small batches. Schedule a consultation with us today, we'll help create a custom soil plan for your yard, and with your approval we can get to work starting you off right. Get in touch with our expert soil team today!
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